Oooh...Na die glänzen! - Zitate =)

Montag, 12. Oktober 2009

Einfach mal Zitate

Weil mir doch gerade langweilig ist...=)

Zitate und Dialoge aus X-Men Origins: Wolverine (vorzugsweise von Victor Creed):

Bolt: (in his trailer after closing time, when someone knocks on the door)The show’s over. (knocking persists) I said, show's over..(and goes to open the door to find Sabretooth standing there)
Sabretooth: Show's never over for us, Bradley.
Bolt: Victor.
Sabretooth: Won't you invite me in?
Bolt: Yeah. Come on in...You know, I've never said anything, to anyone, about what happened. I'm livin' a totally different life now, Victor...I always thought it would be Wade to come knocking on my door.
Sabretooth: Well, Wade's gone.
Bolt: I'm not afraid of you. I'm afraid of dying.
Sabretooth: How do you know? You've never tried it before.
(outside, Bolt is heard screaming as all the lights in the carnival go out one after the other)

Bartender: (sees Sabretooth carving a smiley face in the table with his nails) You're not from around here, are you?
Sabretooth: What gave me away?
Wolverine: (from outside) VICTOR!!!!!
Sabretooth: (to bartender) You got insurance on this place?
Bartender: Insurance? No.
Sabretooth: Too bad. (after Wolverine crashes through the front door) Well, well, well. Look what the cat dragged in.
Bartender: Guys, whatever this is, take it outside.
Wolverine: (draws his claws in) Why? (Sabretooth killed Wolverine's girlfriend, Silver Fox.)
Sabretooth: You don't call, you don't write, how else am I supposed to get your attention?

(after seeing Wolverine's adamantium claws, unimpressed) Oooh, shiny.

Sabretooth: I'm not your friend. I'm an animal, who dreamed he was a man. But the dream is over. And the beast is awake. And I will come for you... because it's my nature.

I despise my humanity as much as you cherish yours. And I will come for you without mercy.

(alle von Wikiquote)

Dienstag, 14. Juli 2009

Everything is Illuminated

"I have reflected many times upon our rigid search. It has shown me that everything is illuminated in the light of the past. It is always along the side of us, on the inside, looking out. Like you say, inside out. Jonfen, in this way, I will always be along the side of your life. And you will always be along the side of mine." (Alex)

Unglaublich schöner Film! Nur zu empfehlen. Das Buch lese ich gerade noch.

(Everything is Illuminated, USA 05, R: Liev Schreiber, D:Elijah Wood, Eugene Hütz, Boris Leskin, FSK: 12)

Mittwoch, 8. Juli 2009

Typisch Boxer xD

"I´m your manager."
"Yes, but you´re not a very good one."
"And you´re not a very good boxer!"
"You want to try me?"
"Mischa, we´re not the same weight class!"

(Jakob the Liar)

Mittwoch, 17. Juni 2009

A Radio!

"Lying? Well, if you had the radio and didn´t want anyone to find out, the best way to make sure that, would be to tell people, you had one. Because they know, you´re lying, because no one who own a radio would be stupid enough to admit it. And they would Liev äh xD leave you alone, which means...What does it mean, Jakob?"
"I don´t know."
"It means... you´ve got the radio!" (Mischa♥)

Ich mag Zitate :-)

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